Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finally Surpassed the 70km Mark!

On a single day bike ride, 70kms has been eluding me.  My longest day rides to date seem to have been stuck at  multiple 67kms and 65km rides.  I can only blame winter time as I've only started logging distance of my rides late last November.  On Saturday, the 23rd of April, Easter Weekend, 70 kilometers was broken.  The weather is getting better and the days are getting longer.  I can only wait for the days when I will be doing Century Rides (100 kilometers or 100 miles).
70 kilometers certainly was not the goal for the day as I am still nursing an injured ankle and it was the first time getting back on the clipless pedals and no ankle brace since my injury.  An easy day was planned.  But through the course of the ride, I felt no pain or discomfort while pedaling, it would only hurt slightly when I had to clip on and off the pedals.  I felt nothing while pedaling, in fact, it hurt more walking than pedaling, so I knew I could go all day.  Unfortunately, by night's end, my ankle started swelling up again.  I had to ice it once again to keep the swelling down.  I think I overdid it, but it was worth it.

The ride was awesome.  Starting from the beautiful Fort Langley where the area seem to have been isolated from the mass eruption of large buildings, big highways and over population.  Following alongside the Fraser River where we found some of the best paved roads where hardly any cars were driving through.  Onto the Golden Ears Bridge in which seems to be becoming a regular destination of my rides.  Port Coquitlam is where we would decide it was time to go back.  The ride included bike trails such as the Fort to Fort trail, and also the Trans Canada Trail.
 Fraser River
 Mini Lunch Break
Golden Ears Bridge

Ahh, perfect spot to eat our well-deserved burgers from Wendy's.

Our new friend Sir James Douglas gets a warm greeting from Matt.
THE Fort at Fort Langley.  This thing was huge.  To find out more about this historic site, please visit here http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/lhn-nhs/bc/langley/index.aspx

I started off tracking the ride with my GPS using my iPhone as I wanted to post up our total bike route here.  Unfortunately, my battery didn't last as I was also using the iPhone to take pictures and videos.  I'll be sure to bring a spare portable battery charger on my next long rides.  But no fret, I have plenty of video footages to show.  Come join us on our ride!
..just fooling around with this video editing stuff... no Grammy awards expected here.

Depending on who's bike computer you look at, we either did 72.8Kms or 70.16Kms.  I wanted to make sure that I hit that 70Kms mark on my computer as that is the one I trust.  We had to ride around town just so that we could hit that mark.  Let's just say we did 71.5Kms to average out the discrepancy between computers.

I feel great.

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